The peaceful world of Naboo is about to be overrun by the evil Trade Federation, headed by Nute Gunray. The Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn are dispatched to challenge the leaders. But things don’t always go as planned. After the two Jedi escape, Jar Jar Binks and the new Gungan friend they made head to Naboo to warn Queen Amidala that the Queen is not safe there because droids have already begun to capture Naboo. They eventually touch down on Tatooine, where they make friends with Anakin Skywalker, a young child. Qui-Gon is intrigued by the boy and believes he has a promising future. In order to settle this trade dispute once and for all, the group needs to figure out how to get to Coruscant, but there is someone
Genre: Action/Adventure/Fantasy/Sci-Fi
Release Year: 1999
Movie Runtime: 136 Min
Movie Size: 364MB
Movie Quality: 480p