Three years have passed since the Clone Wars. Chancellor Palpatine is being held captive by General Grievous, the commander of the droid army, aboard his ship, the Invisible Hand. In order to free the imprisoned Chancellor, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker must safely fly through Coruscant and enter the Invisible Hand. Count Dooku appears right before Palpatine is set to be released. He engages in combat with both Obi-Wan and Anakin, but Obi-Wan loses consciousness. He is killed by Anakin after he chops off his head. Palpatine follows Anakin, who is carrying Obi-Wan. Anakin attempts to pilot the remaining portion of the ship so that they can land safely on Coruscant when they finally meet General Grievous face to face. Later on, Palpatine begins to behave
Genre: Action/Adventure/Fantasy/Sci-Fi
Release Year: 2005
Movie Runtime: 140 Min
Movie Size: 374MB
Movie Quality: 480p