Following the horrific events of the first movie, Andy Barclay was put in a foster home because his mother had committed a crime. To salvage their brand, Chucky’s makers reconstruct the murderous doll to show the public that there was never a problem with it in the first place. They also resurrect Charles Lee Ray, the serial killer, in the process. Chucky counts the bodies as he searches for Andy. Will Chucky be successful in taking over Andy’s body, or will Andy be able to get away?Following the horrific events of the first movie, Andy Barclay was put in a foster home because his mother had committed a crime. To salvage their brand, Chucky’s makers reconstruct the murderous doll to show the public that there was never a problem with it in the first place. They also resurrect Charles Lee Ray, the serial killer, in the process. Chucky counts the bodies as he searches for Andy. Will Chucky be successful in taking over Andy’s body, or will Andy be able to get away?
Genre: Horror/Thriller
Release Year: 1990
Movie Runtime: 84 Min
Movie Size: 223MB
Movie Quality: 480p