After two years of battling crime as Spider-Man, Peter Parker’s life has started to fall apart, leaving him miserable. The newspaper Daily Bugle is brutally assaulting him, stating that Spider-Man is a criminal, on top of the fact that the girl he loves is engaged to someone else, his grades are declining, and he is losing all of his jobs. When he reaches his breaking point, he decides to end the crime fighter’s life permanently. However, during an unsuccessful attempt at fusion, the eccentric and obnoxious scientist Dr. Otto Octavius is changed into the supervillain Doctor Octopus, often known as Doc Ock, who has four lengthy tentacles that serve as extra hands. Although Peter believes it might be time for Spider-Man to make a comeback, will he actually do so?
Genre: Action/Adventure/Fantasy.
Release Year: 2004
Movie Runtime: 127 Min
Movie Size: 361MB
Movie Quality: 480p